Special Workshop
On June 23rd we are delighted to have Master Practitioner Arlyn Zones lead our Workshop.
Arlyn has taught in Feldenkrais® trainings all over the world and has directed her own training programs in Amsterdam, Berkeley, and Toronto.
Her style of teaching is direct, humorous, and very dynamic.
After a long stretch of Zooming and remote learning, an In-Person experience will feel even more precious.
We hope you can join us.
Register Early — Space is limited

Morning Workshop for Everyone
10 AM - 12 PM
Arlyn will present Awareness Through Movement® lessons that use gentle, focused movements to increase awareness and promote well-being.
S3NSE students, friends and family, newcomers, local practitioners, and students in practitioner training are welcome.
These Feldenkrais gentle movement explorations are known to reduce pain, create better balance, and increase comfort during everyday activities.
All levels are welcome.
Afternoon Practitioners Only
Advanced Training Workshop
1:30 - 4:30 PM
Arlyn will demonstrate and guide practitioners to practice Functional Integration® in pairs.
The study will relate to the Awareness Through Movement® lessons from the morning.
We urge you to attend the morning ATMs to get the most benefit, however, the afternoon session can stand alone if your schedule is restricted.
This live event promises to refresh and revitalize your private practice.
Sunday June 23, 2024 Special Workshop
Join us for a Live Event featuring Arlyn Zones. The morning session from 10 - 12 PM is open to all.
We will enjoy Awareness Through Movement lessons under Arlyn's masterful guidance.
The afternoon 1:30 -4:30 PM is for practitioners only.
Arlyn will demo and guide FI practice linked to the morning ATMs. We urge you to attend both but if you can only make the afternoon that is also an option.
Reserve your spot today!
S3NSE Studio (in-person)
(inside Peak Physical Therapy)
10580 S. De Anza Blvd.
Cupertino, CA
Morning Workshop for Everyone
Arlyn Zones presents
Awareness Through Movement® Lessons.
All levels Welcome
Sunday, June 23rd
10:00am to 12pm
Afternoon FI Workshop for Practitioners
Arlyn demos and guides Functional Integration® practice based on the morning ATMs
Sunday, June 23rd
1:30 to 4:30 pm
All day $100
Afternoon Only $75